Metrobilly Eats

leftover turkey GREEN CURRY CREPES

leftover turkey GREEN CURRY CREPES

Holiday Leftovers are their own food group - midnight sandwiches, mashed potato pancakes, and eggs and hash are staples - but this year I decided to take my leftover swagger to a new level by incorporating a pouch of Blue Elephant Green Curry Sauce from my pantry along with gruyere cheese, spinach, mushrooms, and leftover turkey breast to make what may be my favorite savory crepe - EVER!

octopus and eggplant CURRY

octopus and eggplant CURRY

I love braised octopus; and this recipe using BLUE ELEPHANT Red Curry sauce as a central player along with eggplant, ginger, garlic, and coconut milk will emit the most delicious and exotic fragrances of all time. Too often octopus can be tough and fishy, but this technique yields a wonderfully tender, ethereal dish that will appeal to just about everyone, including folks who generally dislike seafood.

the essential RANCH CHICKEN

the essential RANCH CHICKEN

his recipe is not only a great homemade RANCH DRESSING for salads, dips, and pizza; but also one of my favorites as a marinade for seared or grilled chicken. The yogurt-based dressing is quick and easy to make, and feel free to use whatever fresh herbs you have from your garden.

The yogurt marinade ensures a super juicy, tender meat - but it’s also a great dip for the cooked chicken and fresh tomatoes we love to eat with this recipe.